Hey every1..it seems lyk itz been ages already xp i reali apologise coz i dnt have d tym to update diz baby ever since..anyways how's holidays 4 u ol? Hopefully fun.. As 4 me,it aint fun..m stuck with revisions dt i h8te doing n especially tuitions!! Damn,i h8te going..so tiring..Gawd!! And i havnt even started on my darn personal statement n RESEARCH WORK!! I'm so panicky T.T sigh~ nid 2 research 4 d course i reali wana enter..oh well..
Oh yea..las Sat? Gala Nyt? Emm..it was kinda fun..i tink..and WOW is all i cn say.. They all look fabulous.. Evry1 look so different outsid of skool..0.o bt yea oklah..i dnt wana talk much bout it..letz move on now..
Last Sun..i went to gt a new pair of spectacles.. AERAS brand.. Costly tho bt i love d style..simple and nice..xD however, i look so different..doesnt really look like me tho..it figures..Lol.. Then i went to Jaya hypermart n the Mall.. Obviously,i went shopping so yea..din bought much stuff tho.. mostly mum buying all those groceries xp
Yestrday..another miserable Monday..lotz dt happen bt i'm nt gona mention d sadness coz i'm mending my heart at d moment..it seems to me i jz wana close down d door of my heart and never love agen..bt there's no way 4 dt coz i love 'bear2x' n nt fall 4 d othr person..so yea..
In d afternun til 10pm or so,i went 2 my aunt's staffhse 2 help her pack her stuffs coz she's gona stay wit us XD yeah..lol
And 2day,a Tuesday..nt a fun day either..m jobless at d moment after completing my chores n i'm thinking of doin my maths later too..Mechanics..i gota score an A for this..i hope 2 gt it..and i pray dt i get BSP's scholarship..m so desperate so all i cn say is STUDY! STUDY! STUDY!!! And i got push myself 2 do it n at d same tym trying 2 get out n have a lil fun cheer me up and cast away all my problems XD